August 21, 2024

Pronunciation Peeves

Every now and then, the pronunciation of a word drives me crazy. This post describes some of my current peeves.

Let me begin with a very simple word: school. How can anyone mispronounce such a common word? In fact, I suspect that most people, in ordinary discourse, pronounce the word just fine. Merriam-Webster represents the proper pronunciation asˈskül. One syllable, right? But I hear people on the radio saying something like ˈskü(-ə)l. It is if the word is spelled schoöl, with the two Os pronounced separately, rather than as a single sound. I think people are trying too hard to enunciate and, in the process, overdo it

Then there are the two words Arctic and Antarctic. (I’ll forego fancy notation here.) It is lamentably common to omit pronouncing the first C in each case. Admittedly, it is easier to pronounce each word as if that C isn’t there. But, of course, it is. The word Antarctic has a tendency to be even more mutilated. I am regularly hearing a commercial—excuse me, underwriting announcement—on NPR in which both the first T and the first C are silent. It’s as if the word is spelled Anartic. Ugh!

I’m a bit uncertain about this next word: vulnerable. I am especially interested in this word because I think some pronounce it as though the L is silent. I find it difficult to hear exactly how people are pronouncing it. The first syllable goes by quickly, and it’s hard to assess exactly what it is. (Perhaps readers can offer insight here.) Anyway, I have compiled a list of words with silent Ls, and I have wondered if vulnerable should be on the list, at least as a common mispronunciation. 

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