September 20, 2011

Don’t Know, Don’t Care

Rainbow pinwheel
Today, the military’s (or should I say Congress’s?) policy of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has come to an end. It’s high time that happened, though news reports say that many in Congress are troubled by the policy’s demise. Could this become a campaign issue, at least in the search for a Republican presidential candidate? Who knows?

From the beginning, the only words appropriate to describing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell have been “morally bankrupt.” It’s appropriate to take a short time-out for celebration of its demise.

Next target: the misleadingly named Defense of Marriage Act.


  1. Thanks for the friendship, thanks for the common sense approach to fighting discrimination and the marginalization of LGBT people (love the pinwheel--copied it).

    Best to you,

  2. Several years ago, as part of the Command Team at a Canadian Naval Reserve Division, I attended an Air Force Reserve conference in the US. We were there to audit the two day leadership development portion of the conference, but would not be staying for the two days of briefings to follow - most of which were specific to the USAFR.

    Since DADT was scheduled to be covered under one of the briefings, several USAFR folk asked us about Canaa's aproach to gays in the military.

    Canada had eliminated any restrictions in the early 1990s. And anti-harassment training covered sexual orientation as well as other types of discrimination. I described our current policy as "Tell me if you want; I don't give a rat's @$$."

    I'm not so foolish as to believe there is no homophbia in the Canadian military. However, we do look at homophobia as the problem - not homosexuals.


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