May 15th, 2010Surely more such statements will be forthcoming. I trust that The Episcopal Church will be unmoved by them.
In her letter to the Primates, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church (TEC) Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, confirmed that the consecration of the openly gay Mary Glasspool is not a random event but comes from the settled mind of her church. Sadly, this shows that TEC has now explicitly decided to walk apart from most of the rest of the Communion.
Since that decision by TEC has to be respected, it should result in three consequences. First, TEC withdrawing, or being excluded from the Anglican Communion's representative bodies. Second, a way must be found to enable those orthodox Anglicans who remain within TEC to continue in fellowship with the Churches of the worldwide Communion. Third, the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) should now be recognized an authentic Anglican Church within the Communion.
Dr Philip Giddings, Convenor,
Canon Dr Chris Sugden Executive Secretary, Anglican Mainstream

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I share your hope that TEC will be unmoved by any squawking from the dissidents within.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your new Bishops Suffragan!... My Roman Catholic Church is imploding in controversies and has a lot to learn with you, my fellow Episcopalians!...
ReplyDeleteIt seams that tomorrow or in the next week my President will take the decision here in Portugal about gay marriage... I will pray for him...
Good morning!...
I also hope that TEC is unmoved. One cannot respond to every barking dog. I am frankly tired of the cautious and the right wingers who have their direct pipeline to God. However, if the actions proposed are taken, then I would wish them all well in their effort to survive without the financial support of the TEC. Lets find out if the Communion is fully wedded to its principles. Tell them to talk to Duncan to see how that worked out.